Westridge focuses on the demographic, social and financial developments that make multifamily investing an attractive value proposition for investors.

Increased Demand

Since 2010, demand for multifamily housing has increased, as underwriting standards for new home buyers have become more rigorous, student debt levels have increased, for sale housing has become more expensive and smaller households more suited to renting have continued to rise as a percentage of all new household formations throughout the country.

Location Matters

Business friendly, lower tax regions have experienced population and employment growth since 2010. Accordingly, Westridge focuses on pursuing acquisitions in certain target markets (Arizona, Nevada, Utah, North Carolina, South Carolina and Central California) to take advantage of this continuing migration dynamic.

Downside Protection

Attractive financing, a stable tenancy profile and the short-term duration of leases in the multifamily sector provide investors with favorable positive leveraged returns, strong downside protection and a hedge against inflation.